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We change lives.
How change the lives of people around us is obvious at times and at other times very subtle. Most of us are not aware of how strong our...
What, when and how do we pray?
Prayer is plain and simple is our communication with Spirit/The Light/God, as we understand that energy to be. How we do it really...
Gardian Angels Vs. Guides
We are always watched. That seems intrusive and embarrassing for some. I think of the Angels as teacher’s assistance for Light/Spirit....
We are the Light
What is the Light? For me the Light is the energy behind the creation of everything in existence. We think of energy or what is behind...
Selfish or Self Caring.
I love this saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. This nearly says it all. We can’t give away what we don’t have. At times we all...
What role do I play?
We play parts and roles in a performance called life. From these rolls we learn by the choices, decisions and actions we make. Each...
This is all an illusion.
Growing up my Mom would say with her thick Brooklyn accent while waving her right hand like a presentation “Armand, you see all of this,...
Suicide and Hell
Suicide is so devastating to everyone who knew the person who chose to take their life. People are conflicted and are unsure if the...
Should I go to the grave?
When we visit the burial sight of our loved ones happens in three different ways. People either go to the grave frequently, on holidays...
Everything in life has a beginning, middle and an end. My reaction to this depends on what the topic/issue or situation is. I'm happy...
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